What People Say about Capnospot®
“The Capnospot® color change technology took the guesswork out of needle placement and assured us the procedure remained therapeutic during the last needle thoracostomy I performed. We’ve needed this device for a long time.”
— A. McCourry, Paramedic Supervisor for Heritage EMS (NC)
“This could become a staple device for any agency that does needle thoracostomies. It is inexpensive, easy to store, and does not require the purchase of a particular type of catheter for the procedure. Colorimetric technology is familiar and makes it easy for agencies to educate on and implement. Increases the chance that it will get used regularly.”
— EMS World Innovation Award Judges Panel Statement
Additional Feedback from the Field
"This has changed how we do needle decompression"
- City of Miami Fire Rescue
"It was straight away clear that the decompression took place"
- Ukrainian Battlefield Paramedic
“Capnospot has its place in the prehospital environment.”
“In my career, I’ve performed multiple needle decompressions. I’ve never heard the ‘gush of air’ we are trained to listen for.”
“Purple = problem, Yellow = yes.”
“I cannot believe I didn’t think of this. It is so simple yet will be so effective.”
“I like that it requires no additional power or technology to function properly.”
“Small form factor requires minimal space in our kits.”