Why Capnospot

Dependable, Adaptable and Lifesaving

(Needle is NOT included with this product)

The Capnospot® Tension Pneumothorax Decompression Indicator is a small, lightweight, portable device designed to affix on the distal end of any commercially available needle used for decompression. Capnospot lets you know you're in by offering objective, visual confirmation. 

Designed and developed at Mayo Clinic, the Capnospot attaches to any needle using a standard luer lock fitting. As pneumothorax gas flows through the needle and Capnospot device, dark blue colorimetric paper turns bright yellow in seconds as it comes in contact with CO2.

The color change provides visual confirmation of correct needle placement, allowing providers to quickly proceed with other relevant life-saving therapies.

What is Pneumothorax?

A pneumothorax is a collapsed lung and occurs when air leaks into the space between the lung and chest wall. Tension Pneumothorax is especially deadly.  

Tension pneumothorax is a life-threatening condition that can develop when either the visceral pleura is disrupted, or with injury to the tracheobronchial tree. Rapid, accurate diagnosis and appropriate therapy are required to prevent significant atelectasis, hypoxia, circulatory arrest, and possible patient death. 

Healthcare providers struggle to assess the success of decompression due to a lack of any immediate objective feedback. The gaseous composition of tension pneumothorax is similar to that of end respiratory gas. This includes an increased partial pressure of carbon dioxide in comparison to atmospheric air, which makes colorimetric capnography an ideal confirmatory test.

Major Concerns

  • Catheters are not large enough or not long enough

  • The chest is too thick

  • Training issues and “High Acuity, Low Occurrence” procedure

  • Failure Rate remains in most series 20-50%

  • Hearing a “gush of air” is often impossible and subjective

The New Standard of Care

The patented and FDA approved colorimetric Capnospot device offers a straightforward prehospital-based therapy, enabling healthcare providers to overcome fatalities resulting in fewer failures and deaths in the field.

Important Benefits

  • Rapid, efficient and visual indication of correct needle placement

  • Easy to read results removes operator subjectivity, even in low lighting

  • Lightweight, portable, real-time confirmatory color change (from blue to yellow)

  • Compatible with existing decompression devices, catheters, and needles

  • More accurate than listening for a gush of air

  • Built in one-way valve

  • Cost effective solution reduces the need for multiple needles to ensure success

  • Made in the United States

Clinical Data and Proven Results

Compelling pre-clinical/clinical data on the Capnospot device has demonstrated its superiority as an alternative to the current standard of care.  A number of articles and papers have been published and additional patents have been filed.

Clear Visual Indication You Can Trust


The Capnospot® device is available through a network of national and international distributors.